CTH Container Terminal Herne GmbH
Am Westhafen 27
D-44653 Herne
Telefon: +49 (0) 2325 5879 -0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2325 5879 -32
Thorsten Kinhöfer
Chairman of the general assembly:
Ulrich Koch
Commercial register:
District court Bochum HRB 9768
Value added tax identification number in accordance with §27a Value Added Tax Act:
CTH GmbH : DE 813 505 494
Dislcaimer of liability for the CTH GmbH
1. Website content
The CTH provides this website publicly, that you are able to inform yourself quickly and easily of the company and its activities. Moreover you are able to experience interesting facts of the inside of and around the company. Our aim is to deliver you with the latest, comprehensive and precise information. As soon as we gain knowledge of mistakes we will immediately try to correct them.
Our website is costless and contains generally accessible information. The CTH does not assume any responsibility or liability for topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information on this website.
Especially, we cannot guarantee that online available brochures, forms or other documents correspond with our printed published documents in content and form.
In case of doubt, only the printed form of our published documents is compulsory.
This website is constantly available as a whole or in parts. It is not impossible that some of our data on our website is not applied respectively structured in faultless files or shapes. That is why we are not able to assume responsibility that our website is not affected by such faults or causes them.
Despite continuous verification of the contents of our website for viruses, no unverified viruses exist and find their way into your computer.
Contents and files will be delivered completely, correctly and impeccably.
Liability claims against the CTH, which deal with damage of tangible or non-material types and which are caused by usage or disuse of the presented information resp. caused by usage of incorrect or incomplete information, are principally impossible as far as there exists no scienter or reckless culpability on the part of the CTH.
Every offer is without obligation and non-binding. The CTH reserves the right for itself to change, add and delete parts of the sites or the wholly offer, as well as to cease the publication temporarily or permanently without any extra announcement.
2. Links
As another service, our website refers to other websites. The CTH declares expressly that the linked websites were free of illegal contents at the point of linking. The CTH has no bearing of the latest and future configuration and the content of the websites. That is why the CTH distances itself expressly from all contents of every linked website which were changed after the linking. This counts for every link, set inside the own website content. Only the host of the linked website is liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damage caused by usage or disuse of such information.
3. Copyright
The CTH strives to consider all existing copyrights and to use only objects (graphics, audio and video files and texts) which were created by the CTH itself, for which it gained rights or which are licence-free. Every trade marks named within this website and possibly protected by third parties underlie unconditionally the clauses of the current trade mark law and the rights of ownership of the respective registered owner. Just the naming of trade marks does not exclude the existing right of third parties. The copyright for published, self created objects by the CTH, solely remains with the CTH.
The multiplication or usage of such objects in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without explicit written approval of the CTH..
4. Data privacy
As long as the possibility of entering personal or business data within the website (e-mail address, name, address) exists, the divulgence of data happens on explicitly voluntary basis on the part of any user. The utilisation and payment of all offered services – as far as technically possible and appropriate – is also allowed without the entering of such data or the usage of anonymous data or a pseudonym.
5. Legal effect of this disclaimer of liability
As far as parts or individual wording of this text should not correspond to the latest legal situation anymore, the other parts of this document remain unaffected by this. |